
职业治疗 and 手

IM电竞App官网的职业治疗师(OT)经过专门培训,可以评估和治疗您与手部受伤相关的特定需求. 他们评估和协调与你的手有关的损伤护理,这样你就可以回到工作或娱乐活动. 基于职业是一个OT术语,意思是治疗方法是基于客户以及他们在日常生活中想要做的事情, what is fulfilling and meaningful to the client. So, when an Occupational Therapist evaluates a client for a hand or arm injury, 比如手指骨折, OT looks at not only how much strength and motion the client has in their hand, but what the client needs to be able to do with their hand in order to return to work, school or return to their every day activities.

OTs then use a variety of methods to help the client reach their goals. These may include manual stretching, 加强, modalities like heat and cold applications or custom splinting.


Diagnoses seen by Occupational Therapists in hand therapy include fractures of the hand/arm, lacerations and amputations, 伯恩斯, surgical repairs of tendons and nerves, 肌腱炎, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome